Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Best way to learn English


Four years ago I graduated from school, so I was thinking about a place that I could continue my education. I got many choices and one of the choices is to go to the USA. Almost all my friends decided to do the same thing which made the decision easy.  I got a scholarship which let me go to study there but I was uncertain about which state would be better, Colorado or California.
      My cousin’s name is Ahmed and he wanted to go with me and his uncle’s friend Ibrahim, an Egyptian guy, lives in Colorado. Ahmed suggested that it would be a good thing if you know somebody who lives over there. In Oct 2006 we went to Colorado and we were fasting. It was hard on us in the beginning but we got used to it. The next month we had a surprise with the strongest ice storm since 1976.I couldn’t stay any longer. In the Thanksgiving holily we went to California to our friend and I really enjoyed it.

    By the next year 2007 we transferred to California to the ESL program, one of the best programs to improve student English. There are several things which let you improve. First, if students chose to stay in dorm they wouldn’t meet any students who speak the same language. Second every weekend they do have a school trip which lets us communicate more. One day we went to Laguna Beach, which “is seaside resort city and artist community located in southern Orange County, California, United States, approximately 19 miles (31 km) southwest of the county seat of Santa Ana. Its population was 22,723 at the 2010 census” (http://en.wikipedia) .The student service center booked for a students’ place to barbeque. They also had a spot to play volleyball. After this day I did have a lot of friends.

    Every place is different and it depends about the person, what he likes more. I liked California because it is more outgoing than Colorado.  Some students liked to be stuck at home so they could study .Others like to study in a group outside in public.


Thursday, October 20, 2011


    His name is Ronaldo, one of the top players in the world. He started his career in 1993 with Cruzeiro in Brazil which is where he is originally from. Ronaldo scored 14 goals in his first year; after that his teammate in national team, Romaro, advised him to play in one of Europe’s teams.
      PSV Eindhoven selected Ronaldo to be the striker of the team and he was only 17.By scoring 30 goals in the league he attracted the Barcelona team. The next season he joined them and scored 34 goals in 37 games. Ronaldo became the youngest player to win FIFA world player of the year in 1996. Because of a problem in his contract he joined Inter Milan from 1996 to 2002. During his time with Inter he won FIFA world player again in 1997. The following year, after the FIFA World Cup, he finished second for FIFA player of the year, and third for European Footballer of the Year. In 1999 Ronaldo had two surgeries. He didn’t play for 2 years. When the World Cup started in 2002 Ronaldo came back and won world cup and top player of the world. Between 2002 and 2006 Ronaldo played for Real Madrid and they won in 2002 the Intercontinental cup and the Spanish Super cup in 2003. Ronldo agreed to play with A.C.Milan for one year.
     Ronaldo spent his last few years with Flamiago from 2009 to 2011. He finished the Brazilan Serie A 2009 with 12 goals in 20 games. In 2011 Ronaldo retired and said “I wanted to continue but I have to acknowledge that I lost to my body”.

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronaldo       

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mr.Hedley's Trip

    In 1980, Mr Hedley with his wife and elder daughter decided to take a trip. They were in Brunei and they thoght about going to the Niah caves. That was two hours away from Brunei by plane so they decided to go on holiday.
    Mr Hedley's family was in BSB which is short for Bandar Seri Begawan the capital of Brunei. When they made their trip to the Niah caves in East Malaysia they drove by car for 4 to 5 hours then they had to stop driving and take a ferry. After that they took a small boat which cost them extra money because they arrived late. They stayed in a government rest house which was free.

   The next day early morning they went to see the cave and it was so big and smelly from inside. Also they saw men climbing poles in order to scrape birds' nests off the roof of one cave so the Chinese could put it in soup and eat it.

  By the end of the trip the car could not reverse gear; it was broken. Hedley's family had to get out of it and push it back. The whole trip took them two days and they learned a lot from it.